Thank you for attending the Angel of Hope Candlelight Service
You are not alone…
Each December 6th is one of the best example of that statement. Last night, we were surrounded by other bereaved families and supportive friends. Everyone present was there for the same reason. Our losses together are overwhelmingly sad. Comfort comes when our heavy sadness is shared with others. We each take time to remember our loved ones arm in arm with others who feel similar pain. Some of us come back each year and for others it was a new experience.
We are glad you can find some solace at the Angel of Hope.

Our Angel of Hope after the Candlelight Service. She is covered with flowers in remembrance of loved ones gone too soon.
In this time of long dark Minnesota winters, we hope the Candlelight Service at the Angel of Hope provides a glimmer of hope.
Friends of the Angel Committee
Honoring our loved ones who are no longer with us